Gas Consumption


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Ours is a 4x21 MW GE frame-5 machines with Mark-V control system. Last year with almost same environment condition, the machines in combined used to generate 1.85 MU with gas consumption of 0.75MMSCM (approx. This year from last 2-3 months the gas consumption is in the range of 0.77 -0.79 MMSCM for an avg generation of 1.85 MU.

The periodic maintenance of 02 machine are due and will be taken up this year.There has been no compressor wash of any machine in last 01 year.

I would like to know what are the factors to be considered for analysing the cause of change in gas consumption behaviour of machines.

Note that no individual flow meter is installed with the machine. the flow meter is at supplier end who provides 24: 00 hrs reading.