Gas Turbine Momentary Torque / Short Circuit Torque (F-5001)


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Our department is trying to refurbish a scrapped 'F-5001 Compressor Rotor Forward Stub shaft' unit which had damage done to the thrust collar.

While setting the design parameters the thrust was estimated and the maximum torque acting was taken as the breakaway torque.

Over here the general design/rule of thumb regarding 'Momentary Torque 'floating around are

(i)At the 'LGB' the short circuit torques would be around '4' times the normal operating torque

(ii) Another goes with 20% of the useful power generated,again at the LGB and no SCT effect at the Compressor Rotor Forward Stub Shaft

(iii) On researching more I came across articles that state that the short circuit torque becomes less the farther away from the source we are

(iv) But while going through accessory coupling design specifications regarding F-5001 Turbines the maximum torque rating stated roughly comes to about 12 times the normal operating torque usually present at this portion of the gas turbine (which is generally ~0.6 MW not too much)

Personally I would have thought SCT would affect the entire drive system by a percentage of the torque currently/usually flowing through it.

Does anyone have any ideas,referable data, case histories or experiences regarding this issue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.