VCMI Card Diagnostic


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During GT GE 9FA DLN II operation with Mark VI control system we had diagnostic alarm from VCMI card of rack S and VPRO alarm. also we had diagnostics from all cards of TMR application linked to S core. the unit did not trip, stayed in proper operation. When commercially the unit stopped, we powered down S rack from its nearby power supply, restarted and alarm cleared. As a preventive we replaced the VCMI card, made the configuration as per GE control system manual, but when tried to power up the controller S, we loss also R and T and had a complete loss of control system. SO we put back the old VCMI, rebooted the controllers and after several attempts, RST synchronized and the control system was again functional. There is an open TIL, 1905 for VCMI cards solder chips, not yet implemented. There is also a slight difference in the firmware version of existing VCMI card with the spare part in stock. Can you please tell us the procedure how to replace the VCMI?

Thank you in advance.
If you will use the 'Search' feature you will find a very recent and excellent posting by an esteemed contributor, MARKVIGUY, in which he has supplied very detailed instructions for replacing a VCMI card.

Use the search term:


And also about major and minor hardware differences, in the same thread if I recall correctly.
Dear CSA,

i searched but could not find anything, if you have the procedure please share it with me. thank you very much.