Start Checks - Turbine 7FA.05


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I have some questions regarding the Start Checks. I need your experience with Mark VIe can help me? What does each permissive? Why each is activated?<pre>

1.- IGV Position feedback trouble?
2.- Customer permissive to start?
3.- State of E-Stop1?
4.- Trolley crane not in storage?
5.- Sensor faults - inhibit start?
6.- Fire protection system trouble?
7.- Control system fault - start inhibit?
8.- SSOV startup permissive?
9.- IBH Manual valve closed?
10.- Servo no suicide start check?


1.- Lube oil tank temp-normal?
2.- Generator no breaker not closed?
3.- flame detector trouble?
4.- Control mode off?
5.- Hydraulic accumulator N2 charge pressure?
6.- Breaker ground switches open?


1.- Loss of master protective?
2.- Master protective startup trip?
3.- Comp bleed vlv fault pos lockout?
4.- Static starter ready to start?
5.- Hydrogen start check?


1.- Vibration start inhibit?
2.- Exciter ready to start?
3.- Master protective trip?
4.- Minimum speed signal?
5.- EGD Link to the exciter is bad?
6.- EGD Link to the LS2100 fault?


1.- Atom air comp start check?
2.- Atomizing air purge sys start check?
3.- Water inj purge sys start check?
4.- Liq fuel pump sys start check?
5.- Gas purge start check?
6.- FSD position lockout trouble?
7.- N2 purge active/purged - LF startup lockout?
8.- Hazardous gas system start check?
9.- Hydraulic protective trouble lockout?


1.- Start check?
2.- Gen breaker close/open status input?
3.- Auxiliary check - servos?
4.- AII IO Packs communicating?
5.- Multiple start permissives?
6.- Pre-start tests passed - ready to start?
7.- Cooldown slow roll start speed relay?</pre>
Thanks a lot for the help .

There's probably a passable description of most of these in the operations & service manuals provided with the unit. Do you have access to the operations & service manuals provided with the unit? If you have experience with other GE-design heavy duty gas turbines then some of these should be easier to understand than others; do you have any experience with any other GE-design heavy duty gas turbines?

Explaining every start-check permissive with the detail required would take a small book, along with P&IDs and the Device Summary and the Control Specification and a copy of the application code running in the Mark VIe of the turbine at your site.

I suggest as a start you pick five (5) or six (6) of the start-check permissives from you list that are most baffling or difficult for you to understand, and we'll try to help with those first instead of just going down the line through all of them. We have the list, but, please, identify which ones are the most unclear to you and we'll do the best we can.

The 7FA.05 is a newer machine, and we might not have all of the answers to all of the questions. Further, while most 7FA.05 machines are very much alike, they are NOT all exactly alike and have some site-specific differences which, without being able so see the application code running in your turbine, it will be virtually impossible to be specific about how the turbine at YOUR site operates. We'll do the best we can, but help us by limiting your initial question to to the five (5) or six (6) most difficult permissives for you to understand.

And recognize, we are likely going to refer you to the manuals, at least for the P&IDs (which EVERY good operator and technician and supervisor) should have their own personal copy of with hand-written notes as the research and understand the systems) and the Device Summary, at a minimum. (Again, every operator and technician (electrical/controls/instrumentation and maintenance) and supervisor should have their own dog-eared copies of the P&IDs, and the Device Summary at a minimum, and they should be very familiar with them, too (that's how the corners and edges of the pages get to be dog-eared (folded over; bent; ragged).

Lastly, if you could tell us a little about your experience with GE-design heavy duty gas turbines, if you've had any training for the 7FA.05, and if you have access to any training manuals and/or the operations & service manuals for the 7FA.05 at your site?

Looking forward to hearing back with:

1) some information about yourself and your previous experience

2) your access to manuals

3) what, if any, training you've had (or might be scheduled for) for the 7FA.05

4) your (initial) list of the five (5) or six (6) most baffling/difficult-to-understand start-check permissives

5) the fuels that are burned in the 7FA.05 at your site (natural gas; distillate; heavy fuel; crude; etc.)

6) is the unit currently operating, or under construction/commissioning?

The more information you can provide the more helpful--and concise we can be. Again, every 7FA.05 is NOT like every other 7FA.05 (and not like every other 7F-class machine, either!). Help us to help you--and you will be pleased with the responses.
Take my experience in the operation of two 9FB, from HMI screen Ready to Start Permissives, according Ready to Start Condition, for example "Comp Inlet Thermocouples L86TCI Disagree." You look in the Toolbox the variable L86TCI GT controller and really seeing the block output contacts / variable left / too many who do not have permissive. When you know that variable, you have to go back in the blocks until the team that creates the problem. I hope it helps you.