7FA CCGT Start Up Fuel Consumption


Thread Starter


Question to seasoned plant ops/engineers:

Any feel for quantity of start up gas (DTH or mmBTU) required for cold vs. hot 1x1 CCGT plant?

Cold conditions equal to GT/ST offline for 24 hours or more. Hot conditions equal to 8 hours or less.

Any help is certainly appreciated.

Denis Cote
[email protected]

Your best bet for complete and detailed information is going to be through the 7F Users' Group or CTOTF (Combustion Turbine Operations and Technical Forum). If you're not already registered with either of them, register and there's a wealth of information available there on just this very topic. A lot of work has been done on this topic by many different plants/organization, the results of which are available on these sites--as well as knowledgeable and seasoned operations personnel willing to discuss in detail and at length.

Best of luck!