Frame 9E 88tk Fan Motor


For the answer specific to your site it would be necessary to be able to see the program/application code running in the Speedtronic at your site.

In general, in years past, the exhaust frame blowers were redundant, so it would be possible to run without one of them. And, if a second one was lost then the unit would unload to FSNL and wait for the operator to take action. (If one could be restored, the operator could re-synchronize and load the unit again. If neither could be restored, then the operator would have to manually initiate a STOP until such time as the exhaust frame blowers could be restored.)

I have seen some GE-design Frame 9E heavy duty gas turbine-generators which go into what's called a runback condition on loss of one exhaust frame blower which automatically unloads the unit to some preset value of load and will not allow the unit to loaded again until both exhaust frame blowers are available. These seem to be the newer, more powerful, GE-design Frame 9E heavy duty gas turbine-generators which appear to require more positive exhaust frame cooling, especially in warm/hot environments.

In any case if the unit is operated with only one exhaust frame blower, the operators should be very aware of vibrations (#3 and #2 bearing) so that in the event vibrations start to increase the unit load can be reduced or the unit shut down to prevent tripping on high-vibration. And, machine/unit condition should always be considered on any failure like this--if the unit is older and hasn't been well-maintained (the exhaust frame blowers are old, worn and probably don't move much air, and/or the environment is dusty/dirty and internal passages (fan and exhaust frame cooling air circuit) might be dirty) then these should be factored into any decision to keep the unit running with a single exhaust frame blower.

But, to say with any certainty what actually happens at your site it would be necessary to have a look at what's running in the Speedtronic at your site.

If you experienced loss of an exhaust frame blower while the unit was running, what happened? Was there just a Process Alarm? Did the unit unload to some mid-range load value?

Hope this helps!