Alstom P543 Relay PSL Issue


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Time Message
17:46:20.76 Test Connection...
17:46:23.25 The selected device in System Explorer is not yet associated with a device.
The device found matches the device in System Explorer.
The device found has a Serial Number of 333896V.
Opening this connection will permanently associate it with this device.
Checks will be made and any inconsistencies will be reported.
Do you want to continue?
17:46:29.50 Extracting PSL from device...
17:46:31.52 This operation should only be used if the saved file for the scheme is no longer available.

- To modify an existing scheme you should open the file that was saved when the scheme was downloaded.
- A scheme recovered from a relay is logically correct but the layout may not be as originally drawn
(especially if the settings version is less than 3.00).

Do you wish to recover the scheme from the relay? -> User: Yes
17:46:31.64 Extracting...
17:47:12.79 PSL COM Extended Interface reports error 0x80010105.
17:47:14.96 Cannot extract PSL.