automatic pcb etcher n driller


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we are currently working on a project that is automatic pcb etcher n driller with 3 drill heads. we are just starting and we need advice. in the hardware we decided to use lead screws but we still dont know what is the best stepper motor to use n its drivers...

in our software we still have to convert a bitmap or jpeg image to a code that the computer can translate into the hardware...

ur advice n comments can really help tnx!!!

Curt Wuollet

Bitmap would be much easier than jpeg. A language like PostScript or some CAD formats might be even easier as they describe lines with a thickness. This is close to a tool path. The stepper stuff would depend a lot on what you are moving, how fast, and with what accuracy.

Regards cww

Rufus V Smith

This isn't advice, but rather a question/comment. Which axes on your unit control which component? If x is left-right, y is forward-back, and z is up/down, are you moving the board, or the drill head in each of the x,y,z axes?

Mostly curiosity, as I could come up with rational for almost any combination.
