Bailey Conductor NT6.0 vs OPC vs Software Toolbox Top Server v5.11.262


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David Siki

I am tasked to upgrade a Top Server v4.5 project to Top Server v5.11.262 on a computer that is running Bailey Conductor NT (HMI)application.

Plant data is collected through Infi90 (bailey) tagdatabase and opc database. OPC connects through Top Server v4.5 (software toolbox)then to PLCs.

The Operating system used is Win XP Pro SP3.

I have installed both versions of Top Server (i.e. V4 and v5) on the same machine and both can run side by side without any problem.

The problem now is when I want to point the opc database from the conductor Nt v6.0 (HMI) to Top Server 5.11 it can't work well.

I am getting error messages like "runtime timeout, can't connect to runtime, etc."

I have checked common configuration settings when installing the top server software but can't figure out why it's not working.

If anyone out there who has a similar system setup or installed Top Server 5 to work with bailey conductor NT 6.0, please assist.

Thank you,