belt drive dilemma


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i am currently in the progress of automating a process in which a (approx.) 100lb part will move (approx.) 12 feet. I currently have a linear rails for the linear motion of the part. I am looking to have the travel of the belt be (approx.) 2-3 in./ sec. I am also restricted on the overall height of the part on the belt. If anyone has any suggestions or company names, i would appreciate it. thanks.
If you don't find anything off the shelf, we have quite a bit of experience doing custom systems similar to what you're describing.

Steve Myres, PE
Automation Solutions
(480) 813-1145
I would imagine almost any materials handling consultant/company could easily advise you. Find one close to home. Try googling "materials handling", "parts conveyors" etc.... try the local yellow pages. Do you have those where you are? Also try the Thomas Register Another common method of moving something that sort of mass over that distance (depending on shape) is roller conveyor. You may even be able to use rollers and gravity.
