Cimplicity HMI problem... Urgent...


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Sql Server of my cimplicity hmi is disappeared somehow for this reason i can't save the trends!i also can't transfer the licenses i own so either i need to re-install sql but my licenses will vanish if i uninstall the HMI....

The problem is somehow my CIMPLICITY SQL server disappeared from my service manager and i can't even find it in administrative tools/services... i can see the ocpcc sql server and it is still in running mode..... but somehow my cimplicity sql disappeared...

is there a way to bring it back.. because my pc's licences are valid and i can't remove the licences via network or floppy!!!

i do feel the need of formatting but if i do so i lose the licences and i really dunno what to do...

i can accept any help for;
a) bringing back CIMPLICITY SQL SERVER to my running service manager,
b) help about key-gen for HMI 6.1
c) help to move my licenses to another computer (this hmi doesn't move the )
d) please help...

your earliest response will be highly appreciated....


Mert alansal

you can contact me via : [email protected] if you want to contact faster....
