control valve type


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We want to automized our pressure system where we can set the amount of pressure inside our vessel from the gas tank. Let say we set pressure at 20 bars in the PC (via Labview software+data acquisition system). The PC then will trigger the valve to open and release gas into the vessel. Once the selected pressure amount is reached in the vessel (detected by the pressure sensor),the PC will trigger signal for the valve to close.

So what type of valve should i use? solenoid or control valve or other?

pls advise

You do not mention the line size, the flowrates, the type of gas, the temps and pressures etc. However if you can afford it a properly sized linear control valve will be better. Solenoid valve are rarely used for line sizes above 2 inch.

The type of valve will be a function of how accurately you want to control the pressure. If you use a Solenoid Valve then expect some error due to the nature of the discreet control. If you use a control valve -- which will be the more expensive option -- it will be more accurate and you will have patter control of the pressure. the improvement might not be that significant and will largely be a factor of the size of the system.
Not too sure if you can get a Sol/v/v to operate at that pressure and in my limited experience solonoid are generally low volume so it depends on how quickly you want to pressurize. personally if you want on/ off control a ball valve, solonoid assisted via an actuator would be the way to go. However if you wish to maintain a continuos pressure then a control v/v with positioner is the way to go