Conveyor Load Cell Calibration


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Kindly provide me the calibration techniques of conveyor load cell that is used in DIP plant in Paper and Pulp Mill.
To put it simply you multiply the load on the load cell by the belt speed.

You need to figure out the weigh span which is the portion of belting suported by the load cell. For a single idler scale this is fron a point half way to the next idler upstream to a point halfway to the next idler downstream. For multiple idler scales it's from a point half way to the next non-scale idler upstream to a point halfway to the next non-scale idler downstream.

If the belt is very long it's usually made up of several sections which may be slightly different in weight so to set zero it's normal to mark a point on the belt and run it empty for 1 or more complete rotations.

To calculate the speed put a couple of marks a measured distance apart (as far as practical) and time how long it takes to pass. The two common ways of calibrating the span are with a weight that rides on the belt or fixed weights that fit on the scale frame. The formula is calibration weight/weigh span x speed (or something close to that). You should be able to download a scale manual which will describe this in detail.

The most important part of installing a scale is idler alignment, they must be perfectly aligned and well away from training idlers.
