cybelec controllers


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cybelec controller dnc 806 ps software version 23456 problem with say for instance if i have 6 bends in a progamme from time to time the brake press will go into slow bend on one of the bends and not go to next bend. i have to send the top beam up and down again go through the same bend and it will go to next bend. this is on a edwards pearson brake press. the man says controller problem but does not know how to fix. tried e-mailing cybelec, the man needs product files on a floppy. i do not know how to open up files, must need the right software. if you can help please reply.
Files for parts are in a propriatary database format. Try contacting Cybelec. Our number here in the US is 203-729-8258
I have a Cybelec DNC80 but i have problem with it when i turns to position 3 is not working (I can't change anything).because the machine must be takes reference )

when the key in postion 1 (see pic 1), on the tests page, is zero see pic 2

when the key in postion 2 (see pic 3), on the tests page, is 2 see pic 4

when the key in postion 3 (see pic 5), on the tests page, is 2 see pic 6

i need help to solve this problem.