Data Aquisition Methods DASABCIP


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Mike Krell

I cannot seem to find any out of the box DAQ software that i can use for what i am trying to do. What i have is some process data in a FIFO array. I would like my SQL server to see this array and populate a SQL server table. The purpose of the buffer is so that if connection is lost or if a row is not recieved there is an entire buffer of data so the entire buffer array is looked at and whatever data is there is pulled into the table.

Does this make sense?

I currently use Insql for data acquisition, but it doesnt do what i want it to for this type.
I use an Archestra AppEngine to do this along with DASABCIP. PLC sends an unsolicited message to DASABCIP when 1st of 1000 element buffer contains data. AppEngine processes event and writes to SQL Server 2005 using .NET SQLDataObject 3.0 and then writes back to PLC with sequence that was just logged. PLC shifts the registers and repeats until all events are collected.

If SQL Server connection is lost, the AppEngine writes data to local csv file. When connection is back, the csv file is parsed using .NET datasource, then bulk copied to SQL Server. AppEngines are redundant, with DASABCIP running as fault tolerant pair. Hosting AppEngine, writes to PLC, so it knows the correct DASABCIP to sent the unsolicited message to.

Works very well.