Data Historian Backup File

I have a very simple back-up batch program that runs everyday to simply copy some files to an archive folder,
xcopy E:\Data_Historian\G1_TripLog_LIVE\*.* e:\Archive_Data\*.* /d /y /s /e
xcopy E:\Data_Historian\G2_TripLog_LIVE\*.* e:\Archive_Data\*.* /d /y /s /e.

I use this to keep a months or so of data available and then I manually delete files. Since the days of DOS are fading, and I was never good with them anyway, I ask for help.

How would I write another program, or add to this batch file a command to delete files that are older than 30 days from the day I run the program. Could someone spell this out for me? Many thanks!!
Well after posting I started doing some other searching and found a website, There were some threads on this very topic advising that .bat files may not work and recommended vb code. I was able to take some vb code from a thread on the site and modify it to do what I needed. Another great website to spend time on, thanks to anyone who may have considered posting to my question.