Erasing Quantum Flash Memory


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Robert Mehlman

I want to get rid of the contents of the flash/EEPROM memory of a Quantum 534.
It contents a very old program. Booting the PLC with that program can be a disaster.

I did it this way :
1. Backup of controller (PLC to FILE)
2. Loaded a new Flash executive( 1.29). After that the controller is empty.
3. Reloaded the program from the computer to the controller. (FILE TO PLC)
All 3 actions with Modsoft.
Was this the correct way ? Does FILE TO PLC reload the Flash/EEPROM ?
Maybe FILE TO PLC is loading the Flash/EEPROM with the old program that was stored in it before backup the PLC ?

Is there a other way to erase the Flash/EEPROM memory of a quantum 534 with MODSOFT ?
If not, what software do I need?

Please help,
Dear Robert,

even if you reload the firmware in 53414 CPU, the content of the Flash will remain.

To clear the flash you should go Online, go to PLC Options (F2), Stop the Controller with F2 (if not yet stopped), then go to Sve to Flash menu (F8). There you should select the Clear Flash option.

After that operation your flash will be empty. Downloading application to the controller is not Flash operation, it's RAM. To store the application from RAM to the Flash you should go again to the "Save to Flash" Menu (mentioned at the top) and save it.

Good Luck!

Chris Goossens

Hi Robert,

This is indeed the right way to update the exec. You should be able to read the exec version when you try to load the exec again. Before loading the software should indicate the version in the controller



Robert Mehlman

Thank you for answering,

Is it possible with Modsoft 2.62 to erase the flash but not save the the ladder logic in flash again? Very important because we do change the ladder very often but cannot stop the plant to save to flash. So we dont want an automatic restore from flash to RAM after power failure.
