Eurotherm drive 690+


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We are using 690+ frequency inverter with encoder feedback to control ac motor. We would like to set control system to get constant torque of the motor in one direction while the motor is rotating in both directions. I have used torque feedback (in torque limit mode drive is not stable while speed reaches 0-rpm) but it looks for me that the torque has an offset in reverse direction and for over speed i.e. frequency>50Hz. I have to add 10% to torque seetpoint to speed up motor in range of frequency 0-50Hz. Question is -How to set 690+ to get torque feedback without offset. In some application for Eurotherm frequency inverter 605 & 690+ sometimes drive goes to stop when Operator Station is removed. Question is -How to avoid installing Operator Panel which cost and makes drive open for unauthorized staff. Many thanks ADAM

From: Adam Augustyn
Przedsiêbiorstwo Produkcyjno-Wdro¿eniowe "COMPREX" Sp. Z o.o.
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