Expected salary for automation/SCADA engineers in USA


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Hi guys/gals,

I just had a quick question regarding what would be a reasonable salary (USD) for an experienced automation/HMI/SCADA engineer with 2 years experience and a bachelors degree in Software Engineering?

I currently live in Australia and was curious what the market was like in the states. Any help appreciated!


The market is wide and varied. Depending on your abilities, the salaries range from $50-100k a year.
It could be anywhere between US$6000-US$10000 per month in US, Europe, Middle East, and Far East.
I'm searching for salary info for key clients in the midwest. Any insight as to local user groups to find out more about SCADA and RTU engineers (on a local scene)?

Any help would be appreciated!

Marcus S.
Kansas City, MO