Flowsick 600 XT failure to synch with FB107.

Good afternoon
concerning the above heading: it was observe that after the installation of the new flowmeter the flow computer (FB107) is not in synch with the flow meter (Flowsick 600 XT) like the temperature and the pressure sensor value is not correspond with value displayed on the flow computer.
Example: that was observed from the data obtained. the flow meter (Flowsick 600XT) displayed 704720.126 scf. while the flow computer (FB107) displayed 77,249,810.00 scf. as at now the flow computer is showing an alarm and when it was trace it show (point fail) and the software configuration manual it showed that there is hard ware problem from the RTD on the Flow computer (FB107) display board. The RTD connected to the gas line, the cable was checked and the cable was free from ground. like wise the pressure value is also different because the pressure transmitter value is differ from what is displayed from the flow computer (FB 107) e.g. Pressure transmitter 26 bar and the flow computer (FB 107) 3.45Mpa.
what could be the hardware problem in the computer.

thanks for your response in view.