gefanuc plc series 90-30


Thread Starter


dear sir:
can anyone send me versapro software or another software for backing up and loading backup and editing ladder program for series 90-30 plc with cpu363.

best regards

Ian Hamilton-Walker

Versapro software has to be licenced online from GEFanuc to be able to be used. They allow a maximum of two licences per one copy of Versapro. If the software is not licenced, the installation will trial for only 4 days. Of course you could keep uninstalling and reinstalling every 4 days!! Another option is to obtain the older LOGICMASTER 90 programming software which is DOS based. A no licence copy of this software is in a folder on the Versapro CD. It does not work very well in an NT, 2000, or XP system but is fine in DOS to 98SE.

best regards