How to access the variable name from OPC server?


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Option Explicit

Dim WithEvents OpcFactoryServer As OPCServer 'OPC Automation2 Interface
Dim ListOfsGroups As OPCGroups 'For all OFS groups
Dim WithEvents OneOfsGroup As OPCGroup 'For an OFS Group
Dim AnOfsItemCollection As OPCItems 'Collection of Items
Dim OneOfsItem As OPCItem 'For an OFS Item
Const NBR_ITEMS = 4 'Number of ITEMS managed by the
Dim G_hndClientItemCounter As Long 'Items counter for all groups
Dim G_tabItmsOfsHndCli(NBR_ITEMS) As Long 'Handles of ITEMS
Dim G_tabItmsOfsHndSrv(NBR_ITEMS) As Long 'Handles returned by the server
Dim G_pValues() As Variant 'Values returned by the request
Dim G_pQualities() As Variant 'Quality returned by the
Dim G_pErrors() As Long 'Errors returned by the request
Dim G_TransID As Long 'ID for Async Transaction
Dim G_CancelID As Long 'ID for Async Cancel

Dim isFormActivated As Boolean 'For connecting one time to the
Const S_OK = 0 'Status OK returned by OLE
Automation interfaces
Const OPC_DS_DEVICE = 2 'Read physically the DEVICE
(and not the cache).

Public Sub Start_Click()
Dim ProgID As String
Dim ItemsDef(NBR_ITEMS) As String
Dim DeviceAddress As String
Dim IndItem As Long
Dim myName As String


If Not isFormActivated Then
ProgID = "Schneider-Aut.OFS" '"Schneider-Aut.OFS"
On Error Resume Next
Set OpcFactoryServer = New OPCServer 'OPC Automation 2.01 Connect
'Local connection
OpcFactoryServer.Connect ProgID

If (Err.Number <> S_OK) Or (OpcFactoryServer Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "1000: error during creating " + ProgID$, (Err.Number)
MsgBox "You are connected!"

End If
'Write info about clientName
OpcFactoryServer.ClientName = "Microsoft Access"
Set ListOfsGroups = OpcFactoryServer.OPCGroups
ListOfsGroups.DefaultGroupIsActive = False
ListOfsGroups.DefaultGroupUpdateRate = 500 'ms
ListOfsGroups.DefaultGroupDeadband = 1
ListOfsGroups.DefaultGroupLocaleID = &H409
Set OneOfsGroup = ListOfsGroups.Add("Microsoft Access")

If (Err.Number <> S_OK) Or (ListOfsGroups Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "1010: can't load the main OPC group", (Err.Number)
End If
Set AnOfsItemCollection = OneOfsGroup.OPCItems
DeviceAddress = "MBT:"

'Preparing the Handles for "AddItems"
For IndItem = 1 To NBR_ITEMS 'Loop for %MW1,%MW2,%MW3,%MW4"

ItemsDef(IndItem) = DeviceAddress & "!40000" & Format(IndItem)

Label1.Caption = ItemsDef(IndItem)

G_hndClientItemCounter = G_hndClientItemCounter + 1
G_tabItmsOfsHndCli(IndItem) = G_hndClientItemCounter
'Label5.Caption = G_hndClientItemCounter
'Text5.Value = G_tabItmsOfsHndCli(IndItem)
'GUIitemDisplay valuesItem(IndItem)
'By default all item created in this collection are active
AnOfsItemCollection.DefaultIsActive = True

'Create all the OPC items for this group
For IndItem = 1 To NBR_ITEMS
AnOfsItemCollection.AddItem ItemsDef(IndItem),
G_tabItmsOfsHndSrv(IndItem) =
Text1.Value = G_tabItmsOfsHndSrv(IndItem)
If (OneOfsGroup.OPCItems ItemsDef(IndItem) =
"MBT:!GUI_CurrentTime") Then
MsgBox "Good!"
MsgBox "Bad!"
End If

If Err.Number <> S_OK Then
MsgBox "1040: Can't create the items " + "of the group" + vbCrLf +
vbCrLf + _
"Possible Causes : " + vbCrLf, (Err.Number)
End If
'Make the group ready for data acquisition and notification mechanism
OneOfsGroup.IsActive = True
OneOfsGroup.IsSubscribed = True
isFormActivated = True
'Toggle the notification mechanism
OneOfsGroup.IsSubscribed = Not OneOfsGroup.IsSubscribed
End If

End Sub