how to interface digital thermometer to parallel port


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i"m doing a project in water temp monitoring.i want to connect the digital thermometer to parallel port of my computer.i dont want to use commercial if posibble b;cos of cost. anybody can help me please.

Ken Lionarons

A good solution is to use a product from ONSET products. They sell a very good data logger for around 50 (plus one time charge for software ~40) that uses thermistors or thermocouples. I doubt you can do the same with your parallel port without charging your time at $2.00/hour.

If you want to use the computer for academic reasons, look at low cost manuals by Forrest Mims, sometimes available at Radio Shack.
You can get input signals (one byte) via some
hardware changes to your parallel port! Re:Chapter 5 of BUILD YOUR OWN LOW-COST DATA ACQUISTION AND DISPLAY DEVICES, by Jeffrey H. Johnson (Tab Books, $22).
I did it using a LM35 (solid-state temperature
sensor), an op-amp, a 386 desktop and TurboC.
(Cheesy, but it did work quite reliably.)
Look up the Coffee HOWTO (odd name, I know). The hardware should be the same regardless of what OS you use.

The parallel port gives 17 digital I/O points, which can be variously configured as inputs and outputs: up to 12 of them can be outputs, and
up to either 13 or all 17 can be inputs (depending on hardware and OS).

Jiri Baum <[email protected]>
MAT LinuxPLC project --- --- Machine Automation Tools
Another excellent source for you:

Excerpted from professor Anderson's page:

Assembled Serial Temperature Module #TM125 - $39.95.

Assembled Serial Temperature and Dual 10-bit A/D Module #TM130 - $44.95.

Serial Relay Output, Optoisolator Input and Temperature Measurment, Assembled - $59.95

512 Point Temperature Meas System (8-pin DIP) - $25.00.

(a great and cheap book:) Use of a PC Printer Port for Control and Data Acquisition - Volume 1