IGV Part Speed


i just checked the "IGV Part Speed Reference" logic and there is an offsset:

CSKGVPS1: VIGV Part Speed HP Corr Speed Offset
This value set is: 78.9%

So if IGV open at rate of CSKGVPS2=6.67 DGA/%, thus it will be in minimum operation position (57 DG) in 82.3% speed! I just read, it should be open at approximately 91% to prevent the stall at low speed.

57-34 = 23 DG
23 / 6.67 = 3.4
78.9% + 3.4% = 82.3 %

1.How can we calculate the offset (CSKGVPS1)?
2.is this Offset set in commissioning?
3. how can we understand and test which this value (78.9%) is perfect or not?

thank for reply