IMS Motors Have Serious Quality Issues


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Think twice before using IMS (Intelligent Motion Systems) motors in your system. We have a number of brand new motors that move violently without any command telling them to do so. Clearly a bug in the controllers firmware but IMS not concerned with fixing the problem. We've used IMS for 2 years and had problems from day 1. Up until now we've given them the benefit of the doubt. Save yourself the time of redesigning your system and start with a quality motor in the first place.

If anyone has had any experience with IMS or another manufacturer of compact stepper/controller combos please share.

Robert Scott

We have used the Intelligent Motion Systems IB462 and IB463 for many years in dozens of systems with no trouble of the type you described. These models are simple and take step and direction pulse input. What sort of interface are you having problems with?

Robert Scott
Real-Time Specialties
Embedded Systems Consulting