IrDa / SIR/PIR Query


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Rob May

Hello, I hope someone can be of assistance. I have been asked to build a
project which involves building an IRDA device in conjunction with a PC.
i have done this quite easily and tested the communication with other
devices, however, i have been asked if this IRDA device can detect
Movement (Like a Wake up device when an object moves in front of it). I
have looked all over the web for an answer. The IRDA is serial Infra-red
(SIR). I do not think it can be both a motion detector AND a
communication device. Any ideas would be appreciated.



Lynn at Alist

Would be hard if this is a true IrDA receiver, as I believe it internally watches for the correct carrier/background frequency in the infra-red light received and converts it to digital bit stream (kind of an A-to-D converter). This prevents it from mistaking IR from other non-IrDA
transmitters as significant.

So either the receiver gives you bits or not, there shouldn't be any gray area where you could detect a "change" in signal quality that could indicate movement or reflection distance.

- Lynn
I have just undertaken a similar project, hoping to provide a link between PC and Mobile Phone, not wishing to fork out £40 for the full USB device! Any how I found the following page, which should prove to be at least some assistance!

Let me know if this works out for you, I'm trying to locate a dealer for IrDA Tranceivers if you can help me!
I have used RS components as they hold stock of Vishays TFDS4500 which is an IR Transeiver.This type i have used to build with a circuit supplied by , the device works ok with a pc but will not work with a Mobile phone. i'm beginning to think it's the mainboard as the circuit is quite simple.

hope this helps,

hi rob, can you share how you build the device? i've build the device PC- IrDA to but it can't work. it makes me confused. :(
