MODBUS & "compliance"


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Is compliance testing required to say that my device is Modbus "compatible" or that it uses the modbus protocol?

I am just wondering what I can say without having actually went thru compliance testing. I don't want to be miss leading to the end user or anyone else.

Obviously the best solution is comliance testing; but in the mean time before I get the testing completed would could I say without causing confusion.

Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Curt Wuollet

I'm not sure there would be much ModBus out there if compliance testing were enforced. The spec is best viewed as a guide and framework with all the variations already in the field. This is a two edged sword. Strict compliance would restrict Modbus to members of a club like many so called open protocols. Which is to say it would go nowhere. But the variations do make it
more interesting than it should be to integrate stuff. The world has spoken and prefers truly Open ModBus even with the problems. It's the price of freedom.

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