Off-the-shelf device to control reverse power flow


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I'm looking for an 'off the shelf' device to control (or at least sense)reverse power flow or power flow direction? Seems to me there have to be situations out there were 2 AC generators are run in parallel, and when one goes down the other must be prevented from feeding back power to the down machine and still support its loads. Think of one generator as the grid, could sag, and the other is my 12Kw micro hydro that should not push energy into the grid but continue to carry its load.

Rob RHoneers @ hvc.rr. com
Rob, I Googled "reverse power protective relay", and quite a number of good hits came up. Nearly ever manufacturer of protective relays makes one. The thing to keep in mind when pricing out a relay is that you might need new CTs and PTs as well.
