Orifice plate tapping -Flange or D, D/2


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For 16" pipe which orifice plate tapping is suitable - Flange or D,D/2? Why D, D/2 tapping is used for larger pipe sizes? Is there any advantage in using D,D/2 tapping for larger pipe sizes?

It is all a function of service conditions, fluids, piping layout, and what you are trying to accomplish.

They all work, by the way.
No major advantage

flange taps are the most common, but if the flanges get too costly, pipe taps can be used. the more critical question that you have not asked is whether a plate is the best solution to your measurement requirements.

in some services, depending on far more details than you can post in a public forum, you might find benefit of one set of orifice plate taps over the other. It is really a no brainer...

I didn't ask the basic question. the reason is obvious. Sure of orifice plate as a basic element for the type of fluid. Contractor is proposing two options and checking pros and cons.
On rethink, you get higher d/p with flange taps than you do for pipe taps so the metering error will be somewhat smaller in compressible gases and vapors for pipe taps, now we are dealing with your service specifics.

Don't forget the plate does not change, just the measured d/p, and your flow calculation software will take care of the corrections needed. The fundamental questions still remain and tap style are down on the list.
