Performance monitoring software on the market


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I am currently a graduate student at the University of Hartford in Connecticut working on a group project researching software monitoring tools currently on the market that help companies with continuous process flow to not only tune the process so it runs efficiently, but also indicate where and when tuning is required.

We were successful in finding information about "performance monitoring" via the internet. However, certain critical information that is needed for our report/presentation does not seem to be available on the internet. So, I am hoping for feedback from those who have used or are familiar with these types of products so we can fill in the missing pieces. Specifically, we need to learn more about the product features, product variations (such as size), cost to the customer, and the average time for installation and whether installation of your product requires shutting down operation.

Because the research topics assigned were (by design) relatively new products in the market, we also need to find out which companies are producing the same or similar products that provide the same benefit or companies and who is considered the leader in the industry. Thank you for any help you can provide.