PV1000+ problems reading integers


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Marco Zaragoza

I´m triying to develop an application in RSView Studio Machine Edition, but cannot get the values for a integer variable. Is a PV1000+ and SLC 5/04 using DH485 comm protocol. There are no problem at bit level, it is working ok read/write, but when i try to read integer values it displays the value when switching from panel "B" to "A", and it works, but as soon as i press any other push button (addresed to any bit direction) i lost the value reading at the integer tag. I´m using this integer tag value at a multistae indicator. Any hint to solve this problem... thanks... the maintnance department...

Marco Zaragoza

that's right, ::[serial]N7:40

I've been trying to read on a numeric display but it's the same thing, no reading after press any PB at bit level... thanks in advance.

Marco Z.