Reading Data from a Scale with Quantum Unity Pro and 140 ESI 062 010 Card


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Anyone have experience using Unity Pro function block MUX command words to read serial data? We are upgrading from an Allen Bradley PLC 5/40 to a Modicon Quantum Unity Pro 671 60 Processor and trying to read ASCII data from a Thermo Ramsey 10-150 with add on serial/ASCII module output card.

The data read works for awhile but then it will stop and the only way to get it to continue is to use hyperterminal and send a CTRL-R and Carriage Return back out the port to wake up the serial output to resume communications.

We are using 140 ESI 062 10 Port1 and Port2 to read 2 weigh bins.
2400 Baud, 7 data bits, ODD parity, 1 stop bit, keyboard off, XON/OFF disabled.

Anyone have any ideas or experience going from Allen Bradley PLC 5 to Modicon Quantum Unity doing serial?

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Feeling stressed.
