Reed switch symbole


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Max Marin

After my understanding a reed switch is magnetic dry contact. If so than what symbole should i use?
I°ve been told to use the limit switch symbole.
Is that correct?

Thank you in advance.
Hi – I’m not really sure if an official reed switch symbol is available. If you look at a schematic of a standard cube relay – you will see the indication for a coil plus it shows the switch activation. The poles can be either SPST or SPDT. That would be the symbol we use for a reed switch.

For a full explanation of a reed switch please visit our web site and go to FAQ – to reed switch information. It has information on voltage, snubber circuits, what it can and cannot control and much more.

Thanks Bob Hogg

Michael Griffin

Max Marin wrote:
>After my understanding a reed switch is magnetic dry contact. If so than
>what symbole should i use? I've been told to use the limit switch symbole.
>Is that correct?
If you are referring to the sort of MRS switch which goes on a
pneumatic cylinder, I'm not aware of a "standard" symbol which is widely
accepted. I have seen a number of symbols which various people have
invented, but none of them seems to have come into general use.
Most people seem to use the inductive proximity sensor symbol for
this application. The reason for this is that before cylinder switches were
widely used, people generally used an inductive prox mounted on bracket to
sense cylinder stroke.
It is worth noting that even though the term "MRS" is widely used to
describe cylinder switches, the actual device may not be a "magnetic reed
switch". Hall effect sensors are becoming much more common in this
application. There is no reason for an electrical schematic to distinguish
between these two types of devices.

Michael Griffin
London, Ont. Canada