Restoring Backups for OIS INFI90


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Hello everyone:

We have been trying to program a couple of hard drives (one for system software and one for the application) for an INFI90´s master OIS16 operator station (40 series). OS is Open VMS V7.1 and runs symphony app.

We have tried with several scsi HDDs and CPUs (Digital brand) and always with the same problem, which is:

When we give the HDDs a try the system software runs but there is a moment where it seems to get stuck in a black screen and the mouse pointer becomes a large "X" and that's it!

From watching this initialization process in another PC that runs fine I can see that this black screen with the X pointer is only a stage and it does not last much. Then it is followed by a gray screen and finally, a sky blue screen appears and applications start to open: message window, menu bar, etc.

We have done this restore process before and we hadn't had this kind of problem, we are using the same procedure which is found in the Conductor VMS (version 3.0) file utilities.

Hope someone can give some advise on this matter..thank you.