Roxar Water Cut Meter


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Water cut meter process value increases rapidly to abnormal value for few minutes once in a week. what could be the root cause for this trouble?

the process value should increase gradually and but not as spikes.

This instrument is installed in Gas oil separation plant. Manufacturer is Emerson.

Bob Peterson

There seem to be several possibilities.

One is that the meter is reading what the value actually is. This might indicate some kind of problem with the process itself.

Secondly, it's possible that the meter is not reading correctly for some reason. I don't know much about these particular meters but some water flow meters don't like air in the line for example. So maybe there is a transient process condition causing this meter not to read correctly for a brief period of time.

Another low probability possibility is that the meter has some kind of intermittent fault.
We are facing same issue and we worked lot with Emerson to find the root cause, but unfortunately still we are suffering same issue.

Sometimes when we cool the Density meter, we noticed some improvement because we are on middle east the weather is hot.