Timestamp with millisec for Factory Link 7.5


Thread Starter


How to configure so that timestamp with millisec format is displayed (not as a continuous string) for events (with event tags configured in Database Browser Control) in Factory Link SCADA? The version is and communication standard is IEC 61850.

Gustavo A. Valero P.


If your database already uses and logs data using millisec format in its timestamp what you have to do is to use a valid SQL statements to change the formats of fields/columns.

Something like:

"SELECT CONVERT(varchar(23), FLTIME,121) AS MyTimeStamp, MyField2, MyField3 FROM MyDB"

The parameter #121 sets the format to MM-DD-YYYY hh:mm:ss.mse 24 hour format if you want to use it, you could use another one if you wish of course.

More info can be found in any SQL book online looking for the "CAST" or "CONVERT" word.

Best regards.

Saludos y feliz navidad.

Gustavo A. Valero P.
BIConsulting C.A.
Valencia - Venezuela
gustavo.valero @ biconsulting. com

Thank you very much for the prompt and clear response.

Your solution is working for me.

Thanks once again for the kind reply and wishing you and control.com team a very happy and glorious new year
