vMonitor Gateways or RTUs


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I'm sort of an automation novice. What are vMonitor gateways and vMonitor RTUs. What's the benefit of using either? Where can I get more info on this.

William Carrillo

vMonitor is an automation/system integration company which focus on delivering remote wireless monitoring & control solutions for oil & gas facilities, especially wells. You can find information about their gateway (which its the master RTU that collects and redirects the date incoming from the slave devices in the field) and RTU (remote terminal units, which vM offers in various configuration and operation modes). One of their main line of products is the wireless sensors, which its a combination of a sensing element (pressure transducer, temperature transducer, etc) and a data acquisition board+radio to create a wireless sensing solution. Of course, one of the main benefits of this type of technology (which many other companies also offer, including honeywell & emerson process) its that the end user saves a lot of money & work related to hard wiring transducers to the main controller.
Hope this helps a little, go to vMonitor's website or visit honeywell and/or emerson process to get more information.