Wet Compression or Inlet Cooling for Gas Turbines


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Any one has experience in implementing control changes for MHI gas turbines for inlet cooling or wet compression.

Technical details required along with changes in control.
Though it does not matter much what frame it is, what type of machine?

Are you owner of the gas turbine? Have you worked with MHI?

actually, you need only two signals:

1. activate system after breaker closure.
2. load dependent, i.e. changing cooling capacity depending on load.
Mee Fogging (www.meefog.com) is one of the best places on the World Wide Web to find information and white papers (documents explaining in detail some phenomenon or feature). They have been in the business for a very long time, and have a lot of experience with both fogging and more recently wet compression. They also have several white papers which detail the economics of inlet cooling.

I believe it's the owner/founder of Mee Fogging who occasionally responds to inlet cooling questions on control.com.

Best to start your search there, and to realize while these technologies are very good they are not "set it and forget it." Operators and technicians need to be aware of how the equipment works and how it has to be adjusted and maintained. Naturally varying ambient conditions (temperature and humidity) can have a large impact on the operation and adjustment of the system. Finally, cleanliness is next to godliness when it comes to fogging systems. I can't stress enough how important it is to use water that meets or exceeds the equipment manufacturer's specifications--and to make sure that the systems are maintained so as to keep the many tubing lines clean and free of any kind of deposits that can plug (choke) the tiny orifices used for some nozzles. Most often the systems become contaminated during periods of non-use and/or maintenance.

Hope this helps!