Wincc Flex 2007


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Hello All:

I am having a problem compling an HMI application using WinCC Flexible 2007. There are four HMI applications (Devices) in the project. I am able to compile three of them with no problem. The one I am having trouble with is an MP370 15" touch screen. The message I get is:
Warning: Internal warning (detail: EvaluateStringRelations: invalid patch position).

The HMI project is part of an integrated S7 PLC program.

I am able to compile the same application on another computer.

Winc Flex version: 2007 HF3

Any ideas?

Thank you for your help.

In case all four HMI’s are in network then there may be problem with addressing. In case all HMI’s are individual machines, please try by resetting the memory of particular HMI and transfer program. For further suggestions please forward me the architecture.

Raj kumar