Write analog values using Intouch


Thread Starter


Need some ideas as to how to write an analog value to a spreadsheet (log file) at specific time intervals. Running Intouch 9.5 with TopServer as interface to Siemens S7 300 PLC.

Can someone point me in the right direction, don't know Intouch that well.

Benoit Galarneau

There is a builtin Intouch function called "FileWriteFields()" that will create CSV file and allow you to write values into it. Function is well documented using Intouch Help and documentations.

Paul Edwards

An easy way is to use the FileWriteFields command to write the values out into a csv file. The filename can be changed every day (or whenever you want).

Put the date and time into Tag1(message tag) and value into Tag2(integer or real) then

Any spreadsheet should then be able to open a csv file.
