xway addresing


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I am developing a device driver on unitel way protocol but I am stuck in these. Somebody help please

I am facing problem with X-Way addressing which I have mentioned below -

| Header | NPDU | Addresses | Addressing 3 or 5 levels | Addressing 6 levels | Data | End |

1. What data goes in Header/End?

2. What is Addresses, Addressing 3 or 5 levels, Addressing 6 levels in X-Way address? Please explain the cases when Addressing 3 or 5 levels,Addressing 6 levels are necessary and What to do in cases when these 3,5 or 6 levels are not required or What is the default value of these?

3. what is the default value of station number,network number,gate number?

4. From where we can get the station number,network number,gate number of TSX MICRO PLC?