panelview 550 upload difficulties


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I can upload a file from a PV550, but can't open it in panelbuilder32. It give me an error: "upload info not contained in terminal application", or something to that effect.

Alan Rimmington

The software is a runtime version only, eg doesn't contain all the files required by PanelBuilder. This is done usually if the application is large therefore leaving insufficent space for the rest of the data, or it could have been left out to prevent replication. You need the original pba file.

Firsly, you must be sure that did you upload successful in Panelbuider32. When you finish the uploading do have a file with *.PVB, *.PVA? As the error that you gave I do not think you did upload successful...

Any question, you can send to my email address ([email protected])... I will help u.
> "upload info not contained in terminal application

There is a setting in the panelbuilder software whitch strips the upload files when downloading the application. this was intended to conserv memory in the panelview.

I have seen this setting also used as a form of program protection. the guy with the original panelbuilder program for this application is the only guy who can help you. unless you re-program all the screens over again.
I get a PVA file after the upload. I have a PVB file that is supposedly for the terminal, but I am not positive that it's the newest version, which is why I was going to upload.
It happened to me something like that time ago, what I did was upload the program with Panel Builder 16, since some versions of firmware of PV550 are not compatible with 32 version (I was told).
Hope this helps