In-line Colorimeter


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Bill Townsley

I need to measure an electrolyte using a colorimeter. This electrolyte changes color depending on the charge. The color can give us an accurate measure of the makeup of the electrolyte. I have never spec'd a colorimeter before, and, for that matter, not had much luck finding an in-line unit (lots of hand-helds). Any suggestions? Do these units need constant recalibration? Drift a problem?


Jason Hirsch

What we use in Photographic circles runs around 30K for each unit and requires recalibration, not to mention a specific high light (reference). Do you truly need the entire spectrum of the compound or can you get away with a few discrete peaks? If you can get away with peaks, then a couple of cutting filters over sensors + lightsource looking thru the electrolyte ought to work.... and be much cheaper and reliable.

Bob Peterson

Hach makes a whole series of colorametric analyzers. Might be better off just using an off the shelf instrument rather than making one's own.

Bob Peterson