GE Exciter EX-2100 has fault 72


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On our plant 9FA we have installed EX2100 exciter and static starter LCI 2100. In toolbox diagram (E1.ecb), which logic must be read to understand how works the sequence for close the DC breaker 41 for start with LCI (AuxBusStart , FlashStart or something else)?

1) The main problem that we have is fault 72 in start condition in exciter (41DC open during running) and

2) differential protection trip of the unit auxiliary transformer (UAT) when selecting cranking mode.

If anybody knows how the GE rapid high speed circuit breaker works?

note 1) to our plant we don't have battery for first field-flashing.

note 2) since we reset the fault 72 the procedure goes normally and turbine runs up.