Modbus slave software in .NET?


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Given hardware, can I write .NET software for the slave device itself? Is the software on slave device embedded C? Some other language I have never heard of? Can it use C#? The reason I ask is because I have been tasked with writing slave software, NOT master software, and only know C#, VB.NET, VBA, VBScript, and Javascript.

Is this possible?



Curt Wuollet

You should be able to write modbus software
in any language that the slave machine has a
compiler for and that has reasonably good
access to the serial port or ethernet port as the
case may be. There are some time constraints
but these can usually be bent. I wouldn't bet
on the interpreted languages, but that's me.
Think of the example code as pseudocode.



Michael Griffin

In reply to Curt Wuollet: With respect to using interpreted languages, Lintouch has a Modbus/TCP implementation in Python. If you were just polling a handful of handshake I/O with Modbus/TCP in a PC
application, then I think an interpreted language such as Python should work fine.

Steven Smethurst

You should be able to write a Modbus client in any language that has access to the serial ports or a TCP connection. C# has access to both the serial port and a RAW TCP connection; it will not be too hard to create a simple Modbus Client with C#.

Modbus is an open protocol and the Modbus spec is freely available from I would suggest that you start there.

- Steven Smethurst

Curt Wuollet

Yes, I suppose it does depend on the task at hand.
I once wrote a greenhouse control system in
GWBasic on a 286. It was fast compared to
the plants. :^)

