Electronic science and technology 2024

electronics and control science is an important part of our lives in modern times and in the future; the science of control electronics, which is automatic and semi-automatic control, is an important part in partial and complete automation in the service and manufacturing industries as well as logistics transportation, an important part of which is programming and control; technology in 2024 will begin to enter more efficient and effective programming control using a combination of Hardware (Electronic circuit) + Software (Programming Language, for example Pascal) + Infoware (data and information communication via the internet of Things) + Brain ware (Machine learning and deep learning). Human machine interface secure is very risky because humans have to be connected to electronic machine devices, but this does not eliminate human psychological methods and methods. usually in electronics programming is made from; 1. Electronic chip, 2. nano controller or microcontroller, 3. RAM as memory equipment, 4. real time tracking secure (Watch dog). So many industries are developing IoT and AI (artificial intelligence) electronic technology as electronic learning machines. some examples of media modules and controlled programming communications that are continuous learning and improvement; 1. Google, 2. Facebook, 3. Catia designer, 4. Blogger, 5. Yahoo, 6. Youtube, 7. Arduino microcontroller.

