Need a dual channel RC motor controller


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Currently working on an RC controlled mower. I'm done with the mechanical portion and am now looking for an RC capable, dual channel, 12 volt (or higher), 50Amp (+/- 10) DC motor controller, that will drive a pair of wheelchair motors.

Anyone have any sources?


Ken Emmons Jr.

Could you convert the RC controller output to an +/- 10V analog voltage? This will let you use a variety of industrial DC motor drives.

Isnt the RC receiver output a PWM signal? Could you filter and buffer it with an op amp?

RC signals are 1-2 ms pulse every 20 ms or so. Lots of choices for dual channel drives at I have used the IBC and the Sidewinder. Both meet the requirements. The Sidewinder has an available aluminum case if that is desireable.

Good luck,
Don Hebert