SRV showing open state


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Our Frame-9E machine has Mark V control system, SRV position in main display is showing "open" when it is closed. The LVDT readings as follows

LVDT1: -0.708
LVDT2: -0.698

Anybody, can you tell the reason and require action?

So, what has changed? I assume the indication was correct at some time recently.

Are the LVDT readings consistent with the actual valve position (per the control specification)? Has something changed with the operator interface?
What kind of operator interface do you have? <I>? HMI?

These kinds of things can be done in sequencing and they can also be done on the operator interface with mathematical operations.

You're going to have to find out how it was done at your site. It's just an indication (likely) and won't keep the unit from starting or running. It's a nuisance, yes, but so are pesky operators.

As per specification LVDT readings should be 0.7001 for open and 3.0 for close.

At present we have <I> and in next month we are going to upgrade to HMI.

Shall I reboot the individual processor or Is it require to download the I/O configurator.
