A problem about DCC ERRORSand BAD EEPROM CSUM for Mark V


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LCC monitor of <T> was shown as "DCC ERRORS" and "BAD EEPROM CSUM" on display.

Is there anyone who could tell me what I can do? I have even changed to a new DCC card. However, it still does not work.

Thank you so much.
What else have you done to try to resolve the problem? What I/O Status is <T> at: A4/A5, A6, A8? What?

When you download with the EEPROM Downloader, are you observing the screen to make sure all the partitions are successfully downloading?

When you replaced the DCC card, did you tell it it was <T> with the LCC Display keypad? What does it say when it's flashing the error messages? (The LCC Display should be alternating between the "normal" display and the error messages; does it say <T> or <Q> or on the left side of the display?)

Have you tried downloading the FORMAT partition to the card using the EEPROM Downloader, re-booting <T> (it will NOT go to A7 after the re-boot because downloading FORMAT is the equivalent of formatting a disk and it wipes out all the contents of the EEPROM), then try downloading ALL (which, yes, includes FORMAT) and re-booting <T>? DO NOT re-boot with the white reset button on the DCC; use the power switch or unplug the <T> cable in the <PD> core to re-boot the processor.

I believe it's documented in GEH-5980, but there are a couple of command line switches for the EEPROM Downloader to check the check-sum. Have you tried that? What does it report after you've tried all the above?