Cinema Robot troubleshooting pulsing of motors

Hey I'm absolutely clueless about this field! Also hoping this is somewhat of the correct place to put in the forum.

I specialize in cinematography and photography and am running some tests with a cinema robot for a future shoot.

We are using the Sisu C14

The Robot arm itself is made by KUKA from what I understand and SISU creates the software to run in in a language more specific to camera movement., We are using a macro probe lens that allows us to get very close to our subject But due to the being soo close to a subject and the length of lens any kind of parallax or shake is extremely amplified.

From what we've noticed if we create an extremely simple move using only one joint on the robot the motion is extremely smooth. Such as a pan from left to right.

But as soon as we program a slight variation like a pan from left to right + rise up a few inches (where now most of the joints need to work together to create this move) We are noticing a twitch/vibtration effect, And can even physically feel some kind of pulsing on our joint when we rest our hand on it during the move.

Currently dealing with the manufacturer as well and we are getting a bit of a run around and told things to adjust movement speeds, stiffen up our camera support, balance the payload better. Doing all of this has made no effect and even making it worse by their definition has also not give us worse results either

as you can see none of the footage we have captured so far is useable

Any insight on how a multi joint move could cause motors to pulse/or jump in larger steps or even something we may not be considering would be appreciated
